Letters 2 Self

Dear Self, Science and God.

Dear Self, Science and God.

Dear Self, Looking back on my life, science was what defined me. It was at the very core of what I did, how I thought, how I viewed the world and what I believed. I was raised in a religious household. Both my parents ministered in the church and most weekly evenings found us gathered at a friend’s home, praising and worshipping. I had a very strict religious upbringing but by the time I reached University, I was an atheist, believing in nothing and no one. I saw the universe without God; God was not needed in my understanding. I…
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Dear Self, You Can Overcome Self Hatred.

Dear Self, You Can Overcome Self Hatred.

Dear Self, A letter as I walk down memory lane.   Before I grew up in a family of strong believers; my parents did not just talk the talk, they walked the walk. Church became my second home. Everyone encouraged each other and uplifted each other. Home was my safety net. Church was my comfort zone. But whenever I stepped out of those two settings; I did not feel at home. In fact I did not feel safe… with my self. I did not feel at home in my own skin.   I was obese, over weight. When I was…
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Dear Self, Beware Of Deadly Friends.

Dear Self, Beware Of Deadly Friends.

Dear Self, It’s me, the older version of you. I think it’s time for an honest real talk. This letter isn’t about judging, shaming or blaming you. You do too much of that, already. No, this is different. This letter is about caution. At a very young age, you will make some friends, some dangerous, bad friends. Their names are drugs and alcohol.   Because of these friends, your life will be become a rollercoaster of bars, vomit, tears and sex. There are nights you will curl up in a little ball of bone and skin because your lifestyle will…
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Dear Self, LOVE YOURSELF... FIERCELY! This topic gets me really emotional and has been the centre of most of my bad decisions, narrow perspective and wrong moves growing up. For some reason I thought outside validation meant easy self-acceptance. That if society approves of you then you, my sister are on the right track to loving yourself the right way. I was wrong! Slow Down…Just A Bit? There were some tough moments in high school and university - not only was I fighting for my grades but there is a whole battle within where I was at war to keep…
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Dear Self…You Will Find Home.

Dear Self…You Will Find Home.

Dear self, You are young, And people just see you as someone who is there to depend on them. Some don't even have hope that you will amount to anything in this world. They treat you as they like. You clean their house while their kids look on, When visitors come you are never introduced as their own You are never even seen in public at all. Your role is to carry out the heavy activities around the house because that is all they see you as; a house help. And all you see is a house not a home!…
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Dear Self, This Is What I Know To Be True.

Dear Self, This Is What I Know To Be True.

Dear Self, You are young, with all your best years ahead of you. I write to share with you some truths about life(the journey before you) which should become your guiding knowledge, that you may walk steadfast among the vast majority of your peers, exuding more maturity at all times before many. Firstly; understand your composition. Where there is a body, young and beautiful, deserving of all good things, there's a soul and a spirit. When you are investing, invest in all three, giving special attention to the spirit, for the things of the body are temporal but the Spiritual…
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Dear Self…Brace Yourself.

Dear Self…Brace Yourself.

Dear E, Yeah! This comes as a surprise to you doesn’t it? I know your probably thinking what the h*! Because you think we don't have the confidence to write but oh well, Buckle up! Cause regardless of how out of the blue this seems, it’s happening I see your bleeding heart. I feel your confusion. You’re young and in your world, the people you love and the ones you call friends shouldn’t stab you in the back. But they do. And they will...continuously. But you know what? I say LET THEM! Know what else I say? Open up and…
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Dear Beautiful Dark skinned Queen…

Dear Beautiful Dark skinned Queen…

Dear 15 year old Portia, Beautiful Dark skinned Queen, I purposefully use those words; beautiful and dark skinned, because I know you think that those two could never be used together. But they can. I know you don’t believe that at the moment, because in the world you’re in, dark skin hasn’t yet become a like-able trend... Comments like... “...being dark skinned is for boys...” “Wow...You’re pretty for a dark girl” “Imagine how more stunning you’d be if you were lighter...” ...are all you hear. You never see women with your skin tone being celebrated. You don’t see dark skinned…
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Dear Self, Gather Your Broken Pieces…

Dear Self, Gather Your Broken Pieces…

Young One, I know you often look in the mirror and wonder who you are. But who you are comes in waves and just as quickly, you are left wondering once more “Who Am I?” You wonder at your inability to fit in where your siblings blossomed. You wonder at why you prefer the still and quiet yet almost everyone around you enjoys the exact opposite. You question your taste in music, in clothes, in movies. You wonder why you love to dance but don’t find as much pleasure as your peers in dancing to the tune of the male…
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Dear Self, You are the Future.

Dear Self, You are the Future.

Dear Self, The future looks good, but that did not just happen, you are the future. The choices you made, the sacrifices you made, the happy times you lived for yourself and sometimes by yourself, the desperate and angry times which seemed unending ended and now you have new ones, but with unending knowledge on how to overcome them. Your heart, mind, body and soul are in sync now like never before. The present does not remember you much until the memory is jogged by a conversation which alludes to you, majorly because the answers to the present are in…
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