Letters 2 Self

Dear Self, You’re afraid of your own body…

Dear Self, You’re afraid of your own body…

Hello younger self, You’re growing up with your Uncle and his wife. They have raised you since you were three years old. Treasure them, for they will eventually become the mum and dad you always wanted. You’re always seeking love and affection from your own parents but unfortunately that hasn’t yet happened. Nor will it. Your parents, the ones who brought you into this world, are hard and non affectionate. I know they shout a lot at you. I know they’re tough. I know that affects you, because you don’t understand why they’re always so angry with you. And it’s…
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Dear Self…Stop whining and complaining!

Dear Self…Stop whining and complaining!

Dear Younger Me; The journey you are about to embark on is called life(obulamu). Just like any other journey; there is a starting point, an ending point and what lies in between the two points. Well I would like to tell you that how you start off in life does not really matter but the real deal is how you live in between those two points (the start of your life and the end of it.) A smooth sail through is probably what you’re wishing for but nope, that’s definitely not what you’re going to get. Honey, life will throw…
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Dear Self, take OFF those rose colored glasses…

Dear Self, take OFF those rose colored glasses…

Dear self… Not everything is as it seems. “Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.” ― George R.R. Martin. I grew up looking at the world through rose colored glasses. To me the world was just black and white; simple as ABC, as long as my mommy, daddy and sister were around. My world revolved around those three people. In my eyes, even with the family problems we encountered over time, we were still perfect. My parents were still together which the jackpot was for me because some of my friends talked about their parents’ separation and their step siblings. I always felt…
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Dear Self, You’re Never Too Old To Cry.

Dear Self, You’re Never Too Old To Cry.

Dear Self, I am proud of you. You’re not yet there, not half where you want to be, but you’re doing great! You have fought a lonely painful battle. It is still so painful; you cry every single time you think about it. It’s still too fresh. I know.... I know you look forward to withdrawing from the party to cry in peace. You tell those silly perverted jokes and make them laugh, just so you can run off alone to cry and wish you could talk to someone. They say you’re a good listener, a natural helper but you’re…
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Dear Self, There Are No Limits On Love.

Dear Self, There Are No Limits On Love.

Dear child, You are young And you think that you are helpless, So I am here to clear up a few things for you; First of all, You are the help you need. Do not expect the world to pity you. It will not. And when it does, it will not be for your benefit. So child, learn early on to fight your own battles. Learn never to place exceedingly high expectations in anyone but yourself. This way, you will have less disappointment and less hate. Secondly; Love. Let's discuss love.  A time is coming when all your friends will…
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Dear Self, Be what God intended you to Be!

Dear Self, Be what God intended you to Be!

Dear Sabano, I just want to you to know that you are enough...No matter where you go...No matter how people treat you...No matter if your jokes aren't funny enough for others to laugh out loud...No matter how hard it is to simply pass Maths and chemistry...even if you score below the average mark, always know that you are enough and you can still be what God intended you to be... Secondly Peace, please listen carefully. I need you to put this in your mind and have it at heart__this world has two kinds of people those with bad intentions and…
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Dear Self…Life Is Beyond Us.

Dear Self…Life Is Beyond Us.

Dear self: First and foremost, nothing is set in stone. Whatever the situation, you can change it. Don't take it so hard on yourself.   If there's one thing you ought to know, life is short. Take that trip, buy those nice shoes (that’s if you like them) and eat that ice cream when the craving hits. Do the things you love. It doesn't matter if a million people think you can't do it. All you need is that one "YES" from God. I once listened to a wise woman that said, Do the best you can until you know…
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Dear Self,this is me a few years finally talking to…You!

Dear Self,this is me a few years finally talking to…You!

Dear Younger Me…. This is me after a few years talking to you, having recaps and flash backs of you in a minute or even less. Having tiny scenes of the moments we have shared be it happy, sad, entertaining, savage, harsh and all. But at some point I really wish we lived this past life with an older us to tell us what to do and watch out for us. Since we didn’t any way, this is me telling you how we would have rolled. Dear self … Be very honest however much it hurts… You have tried being…
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Dear Self, This is an update.

Dear Self, This is an update.

Dear Self, This is an update on 20 year old you. I have been able to un-mask the snakes, liars hypocrites. But I have been able to discover my true friends too. They have shown me, during the times that where’ve forgotten, how worthy I am. I have been able to know what true love is. End of update, Daph, 20 year old you.
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