Dear Self, This Is What I Know To Be True.

Dear Self,

You are young, with all your best years ahead of you. I write to share with you some truths about life(the journey before you) which should become your guiding knowledge, that you may walk steadfast among the vast majority of your peers, exuding more maturity at all times before many.

Firstly; understand your composition. Where there is a body, young and beautiful, deserving of all good things, there’s a soul and a spirit. When you are investing, invest in all three, giving special attention to the spirit, for the things of the body are temporal but the Spiritual things are eternal.

I won’t quote the bible in my letter, least I fill all the pages with scriptures, but understand that I recommend to you no greater source of wisdom, knowledge or inspiration over the Holy Scriptures. For the word is not just accurate information but its life (health to the flesh) and it’s the foundation to all the knowledge am passing on to you in this letter.

Secondly; find your purpose (the why part of your vision) and calibrate every other thing upon it. The most important seed in a man is a vision, not a sperm. The world has not been shaped by the latter but the former so that in all ages since the genesis of time a man may desire to bear a vision over and above any other thing.

If there is anything you don’t like in the world, dedicate your life to changing it, it’s a worthy saying that always strive to be the change you want to see in the world.

When all resources around you are scarce, look on the inside, your greatest resources are inside you not outside.

At all times be cautious of what the world expects from you, not what you expect from the world, for you have overcome the world and everything thing in it. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word, such that the things that are where brought into existence by the things that are not. So endeavor to create your world.

Accept to be found by God.

There is a definite identity in the spirit of any man who has seen God.

Be the very pattern of the things you believe in and want to create in this life, be an example by always practicing what you preach.

Do everything in Godly love, always looking out for the interests of the majority above your own.

Abstain from any sort of immortality.

You will learn that all lessons are for our learning but there are those you will wish to have learnt the easier way (ha-ha).

Like spending precious time running unsuitable races. You will learn that when you ran a race type you are not suitable for, you are disadvantaged even before you step on the starting line.

For example, what would be Usain Bolt’s success chances in a marathon or 10,000 meter race, or Mo Fara’s success chances at a 100 or 200 meter race? This is exactly what I’m talking about!

If you don’t choose the right race, you will delay to taste or even actually you may never get to taste the glory of being a champion, whether it’s in business, career, sport or relationship.

So take time and choose a worthy and suitable race otherwise you’ll end up wasting a lot of time with people, jobs, studies, businesses etc that are neither suitable nor worth it and participate in delaying your own victories.

I will take you a long time to bear a vision for your life (ha-ha). Eventually though, you get it.

May God who is rich in mercy deem you faithful. May His grace always abide in you to always will and to do (every good work)
Yours truly, the older you.
Dear Self…Life Is Beyond Us.

The incredible letter above was written by my dear friend Nicholas Kigozi. The first thing he said when I asked him to take part in this project was “Thank you, for giving me the opportunity to inspire someone out there.” His letter has done exactly that!

Such an inspiring young gentleman from whom I have had the honor of learning a lot about life. He is currently trying to live the best way he knows how by always putting God front and center and listening to his voice in order to impact the people around him.

A few years ago, I reached out and asked a number of people from our wonderful community here to share with me what they would say to their younger selves if they ever got the chance. I hope you may read the inspiring letters our courageous members have written and learn from them. They are under one category called Letters To Our Younger Selves…
Letters to Our Younger Selves features a collection of amazing letters from our extraordinary community here filled with moving insights and advice about identity, belonging, hope and healing, and so many other topics.

Keep hanging onto hope.


By C256 Member

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