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46 Posts
Noreen Asekenye: Tell A Story Foundation

Noreen Asekenye: Tell A Story Foundation

The C256 interviewed this dynamic founder for the second issue of the magazine. “Leave a mark about the work you are doing. It does not matter if you are walking the journey alone, keep moving, walk your truth, not everyone will believe you, just move, the right people will eventually find you…” She is an enthusiastic fundraiser, and through Tell a Story Foundation, she has successfully ran fundraising campaigns for children with autism, two young girls raised by single mothers, and the current Together for Good campaign, a Covid-19 relief fundraiser benefiting vulnerable families with income relief. “ Do not…
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Pieces Of Wisdom To Remember

Pieces Of Wisdom To Remember

Success makes many people go crazy. Your ego can make or break you. Stay humble as you win. Remember: this can all end overnight. So act as if you’ll fail, or still can, to keep your humility. Rudeness is a sign of ego. It’s also a sign of an a-hole. Stay away from people who disrespect service workers. Cooks, cleaners, waiters, etc., are doing the best they can (and even if they aren’t), shouting at them as if they’re slaves still makes you the lowest form of human on the planet. Assume everyone is imperfect to not be disappointed. Stop…
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Dear Self, Science and God.

Dear Self, Science and God.

Dear Self, Looking back on my life, science was what defined me. It was at the very core of what I did, how I thought, how I viewed the world and what I believed. I was raised in a religious household. Both my parents ministered in the church and most weekly evenings found us gathered at a friend’s home, praising and worshipping. I had a very strict religious upbringing but by the time I reached University, I was an atheist, believing in nothing and no one. I saw the universe without God; God was not needed in my understanding. I…
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Dear Self, You Can Overcome Self Hatred.

Dear Self, You Can Overcome Self Hatred.

Dear Self, A letter as I walk down memory lane.   Before I grew up in a family of strong believers; my parents did not just talk the talk, they walked the walk. Church became my second home. Everyone encouraged each other and uplifted each other. Home was my safety net. Church was my comfort zone. But whenever I stepped out of those two settings; I did not feel at home. In fact I did not feel safe… with my self. I did not feel at home in my own skin.   I was obese, over weight. When I was…
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Dear Self, Beware Of Deadly Friends.

Dear Self, Beware Of Deadly Friends.

Dear Self, It’s me, the older version of you. I think it’s time for an honest real talk. This letter isn’t about judging, shaming or blaming you. You do too much of that, already. No, this is different. This letter is about caution. At a very young age, you will make some friends, some dangerous, bad friends. Their names are drugs and alcohol.   Because of these friends, your life will be become a rollercoaster of bars, vomit, tears and sex. There are nights you will curl up in a little ball of bone and skin because your lifestyle will…
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Dear Self…You will find your light.

Dear Self…You will find your light.

Dear Self, This world we live in is not a walk on the red carpet. It isn’t always roses and sunshine but as dark as it gets sometimes, you will make a way. Despite that darkness you will find the path that gets you to your place of light. Be careful with who you surround yourself with. People are funny. People are superficial. Learn to rely on yourself. Listen to your gut, trust your instincts. But above all, put God first. With him, nothing ever fails. There is no greater power in quitting. The process may be slow but quitting…
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Dear Self, Enjoy Every Minute.

Dear Self, Enjoy Every Minute.

Dear Lui Junior, I was asked by a friend (very pretty BTW and intelligent) to talk to you about your childhood, your teenage years, the future and what you are to witness in the years after. Let me just tell you a few things; You were so lucky to have the upbringing you did. You had everything; a roof over your head, a father who loved you very much (I am sure by now you have lost your amazing beautiful mother), beautiful memories with these people that, at the time, you just thought were another day in your life. This…
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You Are Not Alone; Letters To Our Younger Selves…

You Are Not Alone; Letters To Our Younger Selves…

You are not alone. You are not the only one who feels this way– not by a long shot. Everyone feels insecure or scared or worried or like they’re not enough at some point. We all just hide it from everyone else. It’s okay to feel that way. Talk about it with someone else or with yourself through a letter.  It’s the first step to feeling better. We all have times in our past which are memorable for being painful and difficult (UNLESS YOU'VE LIVED UNDER A ROCK.) But what if you could go back in time and show that…
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Dear Self…Live To Impress No One!

Dear Self…Live To Impress No One!

Dear younger self; I’m a much older version of you right now but know that all those times I was you; I was living a much better life. I was little and younger; people seemed to like me much more and take care of me.  Honestly I lived a life of no regrets. I never thought that times would change and I that one day I would start having responsibilities like I have now or that I would have to worry about something else like school or girlfriend or a family member. I really hope that you understand this letter…
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Dear Self, LOVE YOURSELF... FIERCELY! This topic gets me really emotional and has been the centre of most of my bad decisions, narrow perspective and wrong moves growing up. For some reason I thought outside validation meant easy self-acceptance. That if society approves of you then you, my sister are on the right track to loving yourself the right way. I was wrong! Slow Down…Just A Bit? There were some tough moments in high school and university - not only was I fighting for my grades but there is a whole battle within where I was at war to keep…
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