The Silent Movement… #LettersToOurYoungerSelves

“And even when they refuse to listen, I’ll keep talking anyway, hoping on a slim chance that the things inside my head are worth something to someone.”
― Nadège Richards

When I started this Series I honestly had no idea what I was doing.
The only thing I was sure about was Stories. I knew we all had stories, we all had life lessons that we had learnt along the way. I knew we all had depth, that we all had voices. I knew I wanted to be able to capture a person’s authenticity, voice and message…but I had no idea where to start or even how to go about the whole thing.
When I reached out to people inside and outside our small community, and asked them to write letters to their younger selves, I was prepared to receive very minimal response.

262c19ff6c9c744b10688db4b67b1e39But I was wrong.
The response was immediate and maximal.
Knowing that there were those of you who wanted to remain anonymous but still trusted me with your identities and stories was overwhelming. Knowing that some of you took it a step further and referred friends was even more overwhelming. I am still amazed by how serious people took my simple request. I am amazed by how much thought and effort you put into it.

So thank you, all of you that wrote in and shared your stories, your lives and lessons with us. Thank you to each and everyone of you; those that remained anonymous and those that boldly declared who they are. All of you impacted someone. If only you could read the messages I received every time I posted one of your letters, you would understand that you were touching souls.
So be proud of what you did. I am proud of YOU.

Letters To Our Younger Selves has proven to be a process of healing for some and an act of empowerment for others. It has been a painful journey for some and fun for others.
It’s also been both for a few.
It’s been a uniting force here in our small community of people that are asking the tough questions and searching for deeper answers.
Its been an eye opening journey for us all.
A reminder that even in our darkest, most terrifying moments; that we are not alone. That someone out there has been through what we’re going through, has survived it and has lived to tell the tale.


This series: Letters To Our Younger Selves, has slowly and silently grown into a small movement of courage here on theC256. It’s become an expression of love; from people to themselves and to the ones they’re sharing parts of themselves with. People are taking a step of courage and talking about mistakes and regret, lessons, successes and failures, heartbreak and healing, love and pain, hopelessness and the rebirth of hope, depression and joy, the growth of faith.
They are talking about it all. They are expressing it all.

They are saying,
” Here I am, this is who I was. This is what I went through. This is how I’m healing. This is how I’m becoming…This is me.”


Each of us can choose courage.
That’s what this entire series is based upon; courage. Courage and truth.
The courage to see, the courage to feel, the courage admit to oneself the truth of what one has seen and lived through.
We have all survived something.
And we can all, with a little push, find the courage to share what we survived and how we survived it and are now thriving, so that someone else can survive it too.
And then thrive! Dear Self…Just Breathe.

WorthHere I am; reaching out once again, to ask you to join our small, silent movement of courage. If you were given a chance to give a few words of advice, of comfort and wisdom and encouragement or forewarning to your younger self at 10, at 15, at 20, at 40, at 65, at whatever age of your choice.
What would you say?
If you were to look back on the most pivotal, critical, important moments of your life; if you were to reflect upon your entire life, what would you say?

3c1fec8b05348f404e1f911962c23d7cI would love to hear from you. We would love to hear from you.  I believe we all have a story to tell. We all have lessons to share.
We all have a voice. So use yours.
Email me. Inbox me on any of my pages. Reach out to me.
And if you’re not ready to take the big bold step and proclaiming who you are, you can always choose to remain anonymous. I’ll respect that. Our community will respect YOU.
Hang onto hope, Naks.

Dear Self…Don’t Poison That Tea.

Dear Self, Let’s Dive Into The Story…

Dear Self, Gather Your Broken Pieces…
Dear Self…Brace Yourself
Dear Self…This Is What I Know To Be True.
Dear Self…Just Breathe.
Dear Self, You’re afraid of your own body…
Dear Self, take OFF those rose colored glasses…
Dear Self…Life Is Beyond Us.
Dear Self…Life eventually becomes an incredible adventure! 
Dear Self…Stop whining and complaining!
Dear Self…Love That Old Man!
Dear Self…You Will Find Home.

“Personal stories humanize us.
They remind us that we are more alike than different.
They illuminate the fact that we all experience heartache, love, grief, despair, shame, longing, ambition, joy — you name it.
In a world in which so many of us often feel less connected, even disconnected, stories which are brave — by which I mean, stories in which the writer dares to tell the truth of herself — make us feel less alone.”_BRENE BROWN

By Naks

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