Dear Self, take OFF those rose colored glasses…

Dear self…
Not everything is as it seems.

“Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.”
― George R.R. Martin.

I grew up looking at the world through rose colored glasses.

To me the world was just black and white; simple as ABC, as long as my mommy, daddy and sister were around.
My world revolved around those three people.
In my eyes, even with the family problems we encountered over time, we were still perfect. My parents were still together which the jackpot was for me because some of my friends talked about their parents’ separation and their step siblings.
I always felt sorry for them because to me nothing could go wrong with my people; infidelity never crossed my parents’ paths, step family? I had never heard of such.
We were the fantastic four.

My mom did everything in her power to protect us from the cruelty of this world. In my world, everyone was nice, there was no villain. I grew up knowing everybody had my back. Little did I know that an unexpected turn of events would change my life forever.

I was overly pampered by my mother; I was mommy’s little girl.
She showed me love like no other. It was pure true love and it’s thanks to her that I am as loving as this today.

But it also came with its consequences that are; I am overly gullible, soft, and emotional and I love and trust with all of my heart.

I have been hurt by people; boys, girls, women and men.
To some people, that wouldn’t come as a shock because they know the world is full of cruel people. To me, it came as a full on bomb every single time someone wronged me because I trusted them with all my heart. I tasted the wrath of betrayal countless times because I always gave the world a second chance.

My rose coloured glasses finally shattered when the world I knew crumbled right before my eyes.
Mommy passed away.

Daddy, it turned out, had other children from two other women.

Home was now infested with a bunch of strangers.

My aunts and uncles turned their backs on us.

Guys I fell for broke my heart without thinking twice.

My sister passed away after a few years.

The world as I knew it, fell apart….I started to see the world for what was.

Dear self…

Not everything is as it seems.

There are bad people out there so you will get hurt sometimes.

Sometimes life may seem like a struggle but you will get through it.

Self love is important because if you don’t love yourself, no one else will.

Yes, even family can hurt you.

Always take in everything you hear with a grain of salt.

God loves you and He is always there for you.

And dear self; those rose colored glasses, take them off!
The younger you;
Barbara, Uganda. 

There are people in my life that I cannot believe are in it. Barbara is one of those. Despite taking off her rose colored glasses, she is still such a joy to be around. So..from me to you; thank you. Thank you for not allowing life to happen to you. Thank you for not allowing the events in your life, the devastation and real loss you’ve experienced to steal your light. Because of your strength, people like me and a bunch of others get to experience you for who you are. A bright, precious gift that keeps on giving. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. Thank you for sharing your life with me. I am honoured to be your friend.

With All My Love_Naks.



By C256 Member

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