Dear Self…Stop whining and complaining!

Dear Younger Me;patu
The journey you are about to embark on is called life(obulamu).

Just like any other journey; there is a starting point, an ending point and what lies in between the two points.

Well I would like to tell you that how you start off in life does not really matter but the real deal is how you live in between those two points (the start of your life and the end of it.)

patiA smooth sail through is probably what you’re wishing for but nope, that’s definitely not what you’re going to get.

Honey, life will throw at you all sorts of challenges, problems, heartaches and disappointments but don’t let yourself be on the losing end. Allow yourself to experience all of this because that is how you will learn and that is how you will grow (as they say take the bull by its horns).

There will be times where you will find yourself posing questions here and there…wondering to yourself how it is that you are facing all of these hardships but I want you to replace those questions and doubts with this one thing called gratefulness.


Instead of sitting about and complaining about how you sleep in a small single roomed house-think about all the people who have never experienced what it means to sleep in a warm house (yes regardless of those broken windows or that mud floor) just think about those who have lost their houses due to floods and earthquakes, all those people who’ve lost everything, think of the babies on those cold unfriendly streets.

pattBecause while you whine over eating the same food every now and then someone is wishing for just a bite of those leftovers that are put to waste. Be thankful even in that situation because someone else is wishing to have what you have; to sleep in a small single roomed house with mud floors and broken windows would be a miracle for them.
Also never let the physical property that you own ( be it money ,clothes or shoes) define you because these all fade away  and eventually cease to be trendy but hold onto that which brings you inner joy ,peace and happiness.

Allow yourself to love freely because love is the main reason we are here and it’s the strongest weapon that we have. Smile often and yes I know you are thinking about the wrinkles around your mouth but girl who cares? They make you more beautiful.

ptyMake lots of friends but again be selective of who you keep around, remember a good character is better than riches. Keep friends that bring out the best in you and do the same to them.
Whatever opportunity comes your way, use it. It just might be the first step to your big break through .Work hard and study hard because if there is anything that pays off its hard work

Do not despise anyone, do not look down and always remember to be nice because everyone is running their own race.

Lastly don’t forget that God is the author and the finisher of your life and He has got your back because you are His own.

With lots of Love; your older self.


My name is Patience and I wrote the letter you just read.  I am a young lady who is not about to give up until I see my dreams unfold. I have learnt to complain less and be more grateful for everything that I have.

Along the way I have also discovered that sometimes it’s okay to be vulnerable (because I mean in the first place it’s the whole reason why I have been able to travel places and meet lots of people I never would have…)

I really love babies, dancing, eating and laughing a lot plus having fun with friends. Oh and traveling. Lots of traveling!

By C256 Member

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