Dear Self…Life Is Beyond Us.

Dear self:

First and foremost, nothing is set in stone. Whatever the situation, you can change it. Don’t take it so hard on yourself.  


If there’s one thing you ought to know, life is short. Take that trip, buy those nice shoes (that’s if you like them) and eat that ice cream when the craving hits. Do the things you love.

It doesn’t matter if a million people think you can’t do it. All you need is that one “YES” from God. I once listened to a wise woman that said,

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.


We all should do better. Perhaps it would make the world a much better place.

Always be the best version of yourself. Do what you know is right but don’t do it to please anybody. Stay true to yourself.

Hustle hard until you no longer have to introduce yourself someday. Only then can you know that you have made it through life.  

Never forget that your life is a love story between you and God.Whatever situation life throws at you, there’s a reason beyond your explanation because some experiences will refine you, as others will definitely define you.

Love others and be kind to them. One humanitarian once shared that hate has never solved any problem but it has sure caused many of them. Real women don’t hate. They love unconditionally. Bring life everything to life. Lift others to their feet and change the people in their lives for the better because they are the pillar that holds society.


Everything has its right timing.  Often times we want things to happen at the time which we want them to because we think it’s the right time.

But I’ve learnt that there’s God’s timing, which isn’t always coinciding with ours.

When something is meant to happen, whether it takes more years than you’ve anticipated or not, it will eventually happen. So learn to lean on God and to live within his timing.

Live each day like it’s your last cause it might as well be.

Lastly, Put God first and watch amazing things happen. 

The hardest lesson you will have to learn is that love isn’t always reciprocated. If you always give more love than the other partner…truth is… They will take advantage of that love. But you will learn from it.

Life’s lessons are countless.  

I’ve seen that when you’re true to yourself, always give of yourself… God never forgets.

One time, some day when you least expect it, he will reward that giving of yourself.

Life is grand. It’s beyond us. Trust me.

When you choose to do life alone, you will be alone.

Living it with God and in God will give you the best experiences because all you’re living in is faith. Expecting something unknown and yet better.


There’s so much pain everywhere. Even when you want to end it, it doesn’t really end.  

The world is full of heartless beasts, but even when you can’t help everyone, you can help one and change one and sometimes that all you need to do; making someone else’s world a heaven on earth.

You will evolve through humility and humaneness.

So regardless of the pain everywhere; never stop putting others first as you do now, do not stop caring for their happiness and wellbeing.


Continue to do that and you’ll become the woman I am today.


By C256 Member

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