
Issue 02: Social Change Heroes

Issue 02: Social Change Heroes

Explore the second issue of the Conversations 256 Magazine here. In this issue, we are raising awareness for two distinct organizations; Because Of Her and Tell A Story Foundation. Issue (02) is dedicated to increasing the awareness of social change heroes; two purpose-driven young women who are harnessing ideas that are shaping Uganda’s future for good. In intimate conversations, these founders reveal how they struggle, overcome failures and thrive in order to gain success. Noreen Asenkenye, the founder of Tell a Story Foundation understands the transforming power of story telling. That is why she is engaging it to make a positive…
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Pieces Of Wisdom To Remember

Pieces Of Wisdom To Remember

Success makes many people go crazy. Your ego can make or break you. Stay humble as you win. Remember: this can all end overnight. So act as if you’ll fail, or still can, to keep your humility. Rudeness is a sign of ego. It’s also a sign of an a-hole. Stay away from people who disrespect service workers. Cooks, cleaners, waiters, etc., are doing the best they can (and even if they aren’t), shouting at them as if they’re slaves still makes you the lowest form of human on the planet. Assume everyone is imperfect to not be disappointed. Stop…
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On Choosing To Be Brave.

On Choosing To Be Brave.

“I made a resolve then that I would amount to something if I could. And no hours, nor amount of labor, nor amount of money would deter me from giving the best that there was in me. And I have done that ever since, and I win by it. I know.” — Colonel Sanders Ahhh… that quote hit me hard in the chest when I read it. It perfectly summed up something I am trying to work towards and ends with such a strong statement, ‘I know!’ I want a confident life. Not the kind of confidence that leads to…
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Anniversary Celebrations!

Anniversary Celebrations!

Last month marked our 5th anniversary. For a while, we were still debating how to celebrate the occasion. We didn’t want to waste space on self-congratulation, but we also didn’t think we should let the moment pass unnoticed. At the last minute, we came up with an idea: we would invite long-time readers, contributors, and current and former members to send us their thoughts, recollections, and anecdotes about The C256. Maybe we would get enough to fill a few pages. What we got was enough to fill an entire book. But here are a few that really stood out for…
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Mental Health Awareness Month: A List Of Numbers To Call

Mental Health Awareness Month: A List Of Numbers To Call

“Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.” ― Thomas Keneally, Free Telephone Hotlines in Uganda Mental Health, Suicide, Crisis Mental Health Uganda 0800 21 21 21 Mental Health Uganda (MHU) is an indigenous, NGO assisting people with and survivors of mental Illness. Professional Psychometric (256) 774997364 Professional Psychometric and Psychological Services (PPPS) is a mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) organization that specializes in providing clinical and protection services inclusive of educational and, rehabilitative services KCCA Ambulances (0-800) 111044 This is a 24-hour hotline for all medical emergencies Uganda Police Emergency 999112 This is a 24-hour hotline for all…
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Get Rid Of These Approval Seeking Behaviours!

Get Rid Of These Approval Seeking Behaviours!

Are approval and validation the same thing? Both of these stem out of a lack of self-worth, but the locus of activity is in opposite directions in both cases. Approval Seeking (AS) focuses on modifying your own behavior, while Validation Seeking (VS) puts the obligation of agreeing with you on external agents. For example, with the same reply:  A person with AS will modify her/his answer so that people like it. A person with VS will post whatever the f*** they want, and expect the community to like it. And when the community doesn't, they get p!ssed off with the…
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Why it is okay to say “I Do Not Know”

Why it is okay to say “I Do Not Know”

A little advice for those who don't have it quite figured out. “It’s okay to not know everything. Curiosity is a beautiful thing.”_ M.H.N Life is not a solved puzzle. You don’t reach a certain age, a certain social status, a certain position in your career, and suddenly have all the answers. There isn’t a secret potion, a lucky token, or even a prayer that will change the course of your life with a snap of your fingers. But you can find comfort in this: You’re not alone. No one has all the answers. No one knows what he or…
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When Mothers Day Looks Different…

When Mothers Day Looks Different…

Moms are special. On this day, we pause to think about one of the great gifts we have received from God, our moms. This is the person who brought us into the world. But for many, Mother’s Day no longer means the same thing it once did. Feelings of gratitude have turned to grief. Celebration is replaced with isolation. For those who’ve lost a mother, today is difficult. We see you. We stand with you. If you have a friend who has suffered the loss of their own beloved mom, don’t forget about them today. A simple text saying, “I’m…
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On True Beauty

On True Beauty

I like people who have a sense of individuality. I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect because that's natural and that's real. Show yourself, do not pretend otherwise. I think it's beautiful the way you sparkle when you talk about the things you love. And I like it when you disseminate when you open up and dare to be completely honest, and when you laugh at the smallest things and then look into my eyes. When you are yourself, and show me who you are. I'm here, appreciating this moment. All I can do is look around, looking at…
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Dear Self…You will find your light.

Dear Self…You will find your light.

Dear Self, This world we live in is not a walk on the red carpet. It isn’t always roses and sunshine but as dark as it gets sometimes, you will make a way. Despite that darkness you will find the path that gets you to your place of light. Be careful with who you surround yourself with. People are funny. People are superficial. Learn to rely on yourself. Listen to your gut, trust your instincts. But above all, put God first. With him, nothing ever fails. There is no greater power in quitting. The process may be slow but quitting…
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