
The Year of Standing in the Sun…

The Year of Standing in the Sun…

“You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.” ― Shaun Hick I am seated on hard concrete, With green fields behind me and blue waters ahead of me, I am lost in the rhythmic movements of the ripples across the water that I can see from where I am seated. It is 6:30 in the morning. It is cold, cold enough that when I look down at my arms, I can see a dozen goose bumps breaking out across my bare skin. The wind greets concrete and skin…
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The 2019 Gratitude Countdown (People. Things. Events…)

The 2019 Gratitude Countdown (People. Things. Events…)

What a year! What an absolute rollercoaster of a ride these twelve months have been. There are so many people and so many things that I am grateful for, so many that I cannot possibly exhaust all of them in a single post. So I'm borrowing a few words from the small notebook that lays on my writing table. I hope, maybe, that these words will give you a glimpse into all that I am grateful for this year: January: 2019 I am grateful to still be alive. A few months ago I fought what I still think was the toughest…
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It’s Our Anniversary!!!!!

It’s Our Anniversary!!!!!

Two Years!!! It has been two years since I launched this blog! Wow! And what incredible two years they have been. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing when I set off. Infact I created the Conversations256 in 2016, wrote one post and then deleted it. I gathered enough courage to relaunch it in mid 2017! I had to teach myself everything about Wordpress (Thank you Google and YouTube) I knew why I was starting this, but I had no idea, none! About where this was heading! If anyone had told me, two years ago, that this site…
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We Call It Home!

We Call It Home!

I never write poems! But the desire to express what my country means to me turned me into a poet!  So I decided to re-post this wonderful poem that I wrote while I was away touring the Eastern Coast Of Australia. Enjoy! “Mid Pleasures And Palaces Though We May Roam, Be It Ever So Humble, There Is No Place Like Home.”_John Howard Payne. To Us Its Home, Despite the madness that threatens to consume us, Despite the havoc that that threatens to engulf us, Despite the danger that threatens to overwhelm us, It’s the place we call home. Its the…
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A Special Thank You From Me To You…

A Special Thank You From Me To You…

I started this year with absolutely no certainty that I was going to write as much as I have this year. The posts may seem few and far between but for a person who had stopped writing  a year or so ago; those few posts are a major victory for me. But I couldn’t have done it without you.  Yes you.  All of you that have granted me the tremendous gift of your attention.  By giving me your attention for a few minutes every week you’ve given me your precious time. Time that you could have used to do something…
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To All The Children Who Had To Grow Up Fast…

To All The Children Who Had To Grow Up Fast…

I was scrolling through Quora recently and a certain story caught my eye. A young man was narrating, “When my father turned 13 years old he was woken early by his mother. She silently led him downstairs to the dark kitchen where she lit a light and started making him a big breakfast. His father was sitting at the table silently. My dad was confused at the situation and even more so when his mother put a big plate of bacon and eggs on the table in front of him – and not his father. His father reached into his…
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21; The Year Of Becoming…

21; The Year Of Becoming…

 “There are two great days in a person’s life – the day we were born and the day we discover why” — William Barclay. “I dressed up, excited but a little bit nervous. I knew they had planned something… I just didn’t know what. I’ve never been one for surprises but I was willing to talk myself into it this time. After all; this was to be my best birthday yet, right?” Except. It. Wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong I had a ton of fun. But October 9th 2017 was the day I truly realized that most of my closest…
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A Room Called Fear….

A Room Called Fear….

What is fear? What does it mean to really be afraid? If I was to walk into a room, where stored away deep inside are the greatest fears of my life, how would this room look like? What would I find buried in that room, What fear would occupy the biggest space? And which fear would take up the smallest corner. Would these fears be real? Or imaginary?   If your fears were to be stored away in a room What would it look like? Would it be full of disease, and rejection? Or would it be full of regret,…
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The True Meaning Of Life…

The True Meaning Of Life…

  “No man is an island,” and indeed it is true. Great people leave something behind. They realize that no one can make it through this world alone. Even when great athletes are awarded medals for their work, even when great artistes are awarded for their excellence, they never forget that their success was because of many people who, together with them, put in just as much effort, without whom, their success would have been possible. I personally, can never fully repay all those who have helped me along the way, but the least I can do to honor their…
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