Dear Self…Brace Yourself.

Dear E,
Yeah! This comes as a surprise to you doesn’t it?
I know your probably thinking what the h*!
Because you think we don’t have the confidence to write but oh well,
Buckle up! Cause regardless of how out of the blue this seems, it’s happening


I see your bleeding heart.
I feel your confusion.
You’re young and in your world, the people you love and the ones you call friends shouldn’t stab you in the back.
But they do. And they will…continuously.
But you know what? I say LET THEM!

Know what else I say?
Open up and feel your pain.
The pain from those betrayals, the pain from those heartbreaks; allow yourself to feel every ounce of it.
It’s through feeling that pain that you will find the strength to carry anything.


Don’t hate, don’t choose what’s easy.
When you choose to hate, you choose the easy way out.
Choose love instead for love takes strength. Love takes courage.
Keep your heart filled with love. No matter how hard it gets.
And when they hurt you again and again, forgive them.

You might not see it now but that cycle will teach you a lot about people.
Soak in those lessons.
They are what I’m leaning on today.

Pay attention to the people around you, do not disregard anyone.
Take the time to connect with as many people as you can.
You will discover along the way that the ones you’re not paying attention to, the ones you share little similarities with, the ones that don’t seem to matter to you right now; will in-fact become the constants in your life. So pay attention.


Now self, this is very important.
Your mother doesn’t seem to like many of your friends, especially your friend Sandra.
She comes home too often and always leaves too late; seemingly existing outside the laws of a curfew.
Listen to your instincts though, become her friend regardless. You won’t regret it.

Mummy doesn’t like many of the things you are doing with your life.
She doesn’t understand the connections you’re making, the friendships you’re building, the things you are doing with your life…

I say Don’t STOP!
Your friends might be a little bit older than you are but age is no crime, so keep them close.

The Silent Movement… #LettersToOurYoungerSelves

ageA time is coming when you’re going to try to fit in with peers your own age, and fail. 
You’ll try repeatedly, only to fail again.
It will hurt a bit so brace yourself.
But remember, sometimes not fitting in can be a gift in disguise.

As you continue to grow; sometimes you’ll just be too different, sometimes you won’t exist on the same level of understanding as the people around you. And that’s okay.
Eventually, you will find your tribe.

Please, hold onto your ideas.
They are NOT crazy! The people around you might not understand them but what’s important is that they make sense to you. And someday, they’ll become a reality.

My advice to you; always stay strong!
The road to get to where I am today is not going to be easy.
Many nights you’ll cry yourself to sleep but when the morning comes, you will wake up stronger.


Join all those school clubs, there’s a lot they have in store for you, including many lessons.

Be open-minded and don’t pass judgment on anyone for their actions.
You don’t know why they are acting the way they are.
Instead try to understand them.
If you fail to, MOVE ON!

Oh! And one more thing, please stop wasting our (you and me) precious time trying to clear up those rumours that constantly swirl up about you. When you reach my age, the ones that truly matter will realize the truth. Because they know you!


Also, your twenties are waiting for you!!
Once you get there you’ll find another letter (from me) waiting for you.
Love Eve.

Where is your home…what is ‘familiar’ to you?

Wow! Wow! And Wow!
Another beautifully written, incredibly honest raw letter!
Thank you Eve!
Each and everyone of you that takes the time to write these. Honestly, thank you!
There are so many small gemstones of wisdom in this letter. But the one that has stuck with me the most is giving yourself permission to move on. We have this notion that if you move on from something; then maybe you aren’t a good friend or you are too weak or some other random idea. But its completely okay to move on from things_it could be a relationship that has gone bad, a friendship that has run its course, a toxic work environment etc. Give yourself permission to move on! Or as the amazing woman that wrote this letter says’
“try to understand them. If you fail to, MOVE ON!” 

keep hanging onto hope.

P.S, tell me, what little gemstone of wisdom have you picked from this letter?


By C256 Member

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