Dear Self, Be what God intended you to Be!

Dear Sabano,

I just want to you to know that you are enough…No matter where you go…No matter how people treat you…No matter if your jokes aren’t funny enough for others to laugh out loud…No matter how hard it is to simply pass Maths and chemistry…even if you score below the average mark, always know that you are enough and you can still be what God intended you to be...

Secondly Peace, please listen carefully. I need you to put this in your mind and have it at heart__this world has two kinds of people those with bad intentions and those with good intentions. As you grow older some people will treat you badly, some will go ahead to lower yourself esteem forcefully but please never change who you are because you have light within you and it’s enough to kick out all the darkness. Always to choose to be a good person no matter the circumstances.

Oh Peace as you grow older you will be faced by a huge storm of challenges; some will be about how you look, how you speak, how you dress but when you are faced with all these remember my first advise; You Are Enough-there’s a reason you speak the way you speak and laugh the way you laugh.

Lastly Peace, may God be your top most priority because this world is only a temporary home, just to fulfill a purpose. Time will come for you to say bye bye so live each day intentionally with Love.

Ohh and about relationships—Please abstain from sex; don’t let men define who you are. Because God created a spouse for you. Always know that true love waits.

And about alcohol-whether sweet like Smirnoff or amarula or bitter like Guinness just focus on soft drinks. You need to be sober for the glory of Jesus.

All the best Peace.

Success awaits you, so much success, so stay humble and kind.

Love, the older Sabano Peace.

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By C256 Member

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