Dear Self…Live To Impress No One!

Dear younger self;

I’m a much older version of you right now but know that all those times I was you; I was living a much better life.

I was little and younger; people seemed to like me much more and take care of me.  Honestly I lived a life of no regrets.

I never thought that times would change and I that one day I would start having responsibilities like I have now or that I would have to worry about something else like school or girlfriend or a family member.

I really hope that you understand this letter because when I was you, I lived to impress no one other than myself and God but now it looks like I have to be aware of those around me and how I can impress them. It’s the way of life a few years ahead man. I can’t change it; I am fully engrossed in it.

But don’t you start to worry;


I am going to make sure that I become the best version of the older you that there will ever be. Regardless though that I still cherish those moments when I was you; I’m going to make sure that when you reach here, you love and enjoy being me.

You should be proud to know that you become a young man who will do anything to make sure that children are provided with better necessities of life and that they are protected. There’s nothing you want more than to see human rights and children rights promoted and monitored so that those who abuse children would be brought to judgment and punished.

You know why you become so passionate about this? Because you never wish to see children live the life that you lived.

It will bring you great joy later on in life to see children treated like children rather than slaves or some sort of criminals.

Little man, you end up pretty cool.

But before I go; here are some few pointers I want you to carefully pay attention too; because maybe they’ll save you from carrying the regret that I do.


Heartbreaks are real and the pain from them can be so severe it takes you a long time to get over it. I wish I could save you from the devastating heartbreak you’re going to face a few years ahead when you fall in love with a girl who goes ahead to break your heart into a million tiny pieces.  You will meet her at the start of college, you will date her but things won’t go the way you want them too and she will break your heart a couple of times creating a deep wound that will take you a while to recover from.

You eventually recover and with your recovery you learn a valuable lesson; you learn to be careful of whom you give your heart to and to be more careful when it comes to love.

Younger self, I hope you work to completely heal from that wound so that you can save yourself from becoming me; a skeptical man who seriously guards his heart and trusts no one.

That is no way to live, trust me. 

Trust in God always. He is good to you, he brings you out from a life you think you may never escape; a life of brutality, unfairness, meaninglessness and terror and places you in a life of assurance and safety. Keep trusting in him and he will bless you and your children. He will reveal his presence in your life soon so trust in God’s timing.

Lastly, stop turning every serious moment into a joke. You’re very reluctant and disinterested when others are really into something and you will later regret this. You will wish to travel back in time and change things and maybe take them more seriously. I wish I can convince you not to give up on mathematics. Making the decision to give up on your math lessons will affect your life because you never go on to become the engineer you want to be.

Your reluctance and total disinterest when others are really into it something is something I wish you could change and maybe start to make those moments count. 

Regardless of what career you end up in, it’s your heart that counts. And for that you should smile.

For yours is one that cares for others, one that only aims to share the little it has with others. It’s a heart that shares with the less fortunate and vulnerable.

So smile.

From J. F,

your future self.

Dear Self…Life eventually becomes an incredible adventure! 


By C256 Member

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