Dear Self, You are the Future.

Dear Self,
The future looks good, but that did not just happen, you are the future.
The choices you made, the sacrifices you made, the happy times you lived for yourself and sometimes by yourself, the desperate and angry times which seemed unending ended and now you have new ones, but with unending knowledge on how to overcome them.


Your heart, mind, body and soul are in sync now like never before.
The present does not remember you much until the memory is jogged by a conversation which alludes to you,

majorly because the answers to the present are in front of me and not behind me,

just as they were back then when we were deciding what man to be.


Remember the girl who was behind the scenes in your life,
the one who seemed closest to you yet so far away, well, hang in there and allow to get your heart broken whilst breaking some yourself, because at the end of the path is you standing in a tux while she walks up to you beaming in white. We have not got there yet, but we are so close and excited amidst a raging pandemic.

You are many things, a servant, a leader, a student, a master, a teacher, but what you are not is everything that fuels ‘men are trash’ chants.


Your resolution in the new decade is to always be right and realize quickly when you are not, and offer sincere apologies. The need to always be right has you being slow to speak, to understand what is being said, to listen for the benefit of understanding rather not for the purpose of replying, such that after all has been conceptualized you are able to speak calmly but sternly with much authority and share well doctored thoughts, unbiased by personal experiences of the past but with an appreciation of all prevailing factors….


We live in the present and not in the past, so I thank you for the lessons you taught me, but I will not be reaching out to you again, because the future beckons.

There is so much more to do.



By C256 Member

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