The Youth Have Spoken.

Listen up. It’s international Youth Day and Young Ugandan leaders have a few things to say to their fellow youth:

Uganda holds the 17th position globally for deaths caused by suicide. Let that sink in for a moment. We have so many counselors in different institutions, hospitals and churches but that number keeps going up. Keep that in mind… then figure out how you can help…”

Wafula Victoria, Member Of The African Children’s Choir.

To the heroes of tomorrow, to the energies that will define the future, the future of a nation depends upon the youth of the country. Best wishes to the young brains and minds of our nation. It is your energy, your thought, and your karma that will define tomorrow. May you shine bright.
Happy International Youth Day to the youths more especially those of Uganda.

Marta Joseph, Student Of Law. Member PAYLP, Technocrat Politician


To all young people out there your dreams are valid. Never stop believing because one day with persistence you’ll make it. Just have a vision board of all your heart’s desires and a time limit, this will inspire you to never give up as you’ll manage to tick off every accomplishment one by one. But above all this put God first. You won’t regret it! #ZoeyInspirationUg

Zoey, Award winning director, TV Personality , Motivational speaker, content creator, Producer, Editor, Fashionista,Commercial model and Emcee.

“You may not be responsible for the cards you were dealt in your past, but you are responsible for your next step in life. Be very intentional about where you are heading. Make time to improve yourself – intellectually, emotionally and mentally. Make bold moves towards the things that light you up and focus! Your future self will be grateful for your commitment towards your present self.”

Bridget, Baskets of Flavor.


“The Covid-19 Pandemic & Climate Change continues to negatively challenge the existing food systems expected to feed an estimated global population of 9.7 billion by 2050. And to address this threat, the youths have got to actively participate in coming up with sustainable innovative and inventive solutions to boast digital agriculture and the other key players ought to give us all the support there is.”

Arthur Matovu Nkunzi, Founder- Model Peace Forum

“Youth are the backbone of creativity! Don’t let your ideas die out. Don’t be deceived that you are too young to make it happen. Just start!”

Lizza Marie Kawooya, Co-Founder and CEO Through Our Voices and Host, My Voice Podcast.

Today we are young, and the present may not be the future we envisioned but we must live through it. As we’ve come to learn time sure does fly, the next dawn we may very well be reminiscing about the good old days. So how about we help the next generation realize the future they envision because we will be basking in their glory days. Don’t just be part of the world, be the difference in the world. Happy International Youth Day.

Roni Semuju is a voice artist and a writer. @Roni Semuju on Facebook/Instagram and Twitter

“ Practice gratitude. Everyday, not just some days! Practicing gratitude helps to ease the bad days. And remember, everything outside of this moment will take care of itself. So ground yourself in the miracle of here and now…”

Nakachwa Philis, Lawyer and Human Rights Activist.

“Young people willing to push hard and do everything in their power to make something happen are among the most powerful forces in the world. So stick to your dreams, pursue them and with the help of God, my brother, my sister, your hard work will bear fruit. One day, you will shine. Happy International Youth Day.”

Komoire Ashiraff _ CEO, Komoire Clothing

“You’re important and so is your time your space your energy. Use them well.

Be your own lottery ticket. Always show up as the absolute best that you can. “

Uwera Portia, Law Student. Founder, Bella Flora.


Don’t lose hope. I know it doesn’t look that way right now, but it’s going to get better.

Sheila Kisembo, Philomath, blogger, bookworm and humanist who dreams of a world where discrimination doesn’t exist.

It’s okay to want to do better and be better but don’t beat yourself up about not doing it fast enough. You still have time.

Kenyangi Keshia, Law Student. Founder, Bella Flora.

Hope this has encouraged you in some way. Keep hanging onto hope,


By Naks

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