
On True Beauty

On True Beauty

I like people who have a sense of individuality. I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect because that's natural and that's real. Show yourself, do not pretend otherwise. I think it's beautiful the way you sparkle when you talk about the things you love. And I like it when you disseminate when you open up and dare to be completely honest, and when you laugh at the smallest things and then look into my eyes. When you are yourself, and show me who you are. I'm here, appreciating this moment. All I can do is look around, looking at…
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Where is your home…what is ‘familiar’ to you?

Where is your home…what is ‘familiar’ to you?

"I talked to my friend that night. Now I’m talking to the rest of you. To anyone out there that is at home feeling uncomfortable in themselves even though they do not like it but it’s all they know. The one’s that feel at home constantly judging and criticising themselves. The one’s that feel at home with abuse and insults, with rage and jealousy, with being invisible and put down, with frustration and disappointment, with sadness and guilt, with doubt and fear, with discouragement and despair; those are the ones I’m speaking to. Perhaps it’s time you transformed your emotional home."…
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You Are Not Alone; Letters To Our Younger Selves…

You Are Not Alone; Letters To Our Younger Selves…

You are not alone. You are not the only one who feels this way– not by a long shot. Everyone feels insecure or scared or worried or like they’re not enough at some point. We all just hide it from everyone else. It’s okay to feel that way. Talk about it with someone else or with yourself through a letter.  It’s the first step to feeling better. We all have times in our past which are memorable for being painful and difficult (UNLESS YOU'VE LIVED UNDER A ROCK.) But what if you could go back in time and show that…
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What happened to Wonder…

What happened to Wonder…

“You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.” As a child, I was always in awe of the rain. Every time it rained I would curl up in a tiny ball and simply stare outside the window as those million tiny droplets of water chased each other down to feed the plants and the earth. I would close my eyes and listen to the rain in hopes that maybe I could hear a melody or a lullaby?  The rain always had a story. After every rainfall, I…
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What If You Slowed Down…

What If You Slowed Down…

A friend sent me an audio where the story below was being narrated. I decided to share it here. I am a huge believer in the revealing power of practicing patience with ourselves and the people around us. I am also living proof of how random acts of kindness have the power to change or completely transform someone’s life. I arrived at the address and honked the horn. After waiting a few minutes I honked again. Since this was going to be my last ride of my shift I thought about just driving away, but instead I put the car…
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Dear Self, You’re Never Too Old To Cry.

Dear Self, You’re Never Too Old To Cry.

Dear Self, I am proud of you. You’re not yet there, not half where you want to be, but you’re doing great! You have fought a lonely painful battle. It is still so painful; you cry every single time you think about it. It’s still too fresh. I know.... I know you look forward to withdrawing from the party to cry in peace. You tell those silly perverted jokes and make them laugh, just so you can run off alone to cry and wish you could talk to someone. They say you’re a good listener, a natural helper but you’re…
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The Year Spent In Silence….

The Year Spent In Silence….

If you noticed I haven’t really written on here for a while. By “really writing” I mean I haven’t allowed myself to really open up and bleed on paper. But today I have something important to share. May you put aside whatever it is you’re doing and give me your attention for a few minutes... I was asked an interesting question during a small interview; “When do you feel at peace?” My answer was “When I’m in myself.” I’m at peace in myself so I’m at peace with you, with my surrounding. As a child trying to escape the madness around me…
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A Room Called Fear….

A Room Called Fear….

What is fear? What does it mean to really be afraid? If I was to walk into a room, where stored away deep inside are the greatest fears of my life, how would this room look like? What would I find buried in that room, What fear would occupy the biggest space? And which fear would take up the smallest corner. Would these fears be real? Or imaginary?   If your fears were to be stored away in a room What would it look like? Would it be full of disease, and rejection? Or would it be full of regret,…
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