Stumbling into Grace: a deep dive into what grace is…

I was listening to a podcast the other day and the host and his guest were discussing life generally. It was the same conversation we hear repeatedly on other podcasts about life and choices and mindsets. My mind started to drift a little and just as I was about to switch it off, the conversation took a turn, and they started to discuss a topic that few people rarely ever get right… Grace.
And guys, I was blown away. Because the delicate way in which the guest explained ‘grace’ was the absolute truth. It was covered in such depth and wisdom I felt I had to share with you some of what I learnt…

The misunderstanding that grace is something you can earn by being ‘good’
People have a misunderstanding of what true grace is. Grace is not something you earn; it’s not something that’s a reward. Or even something that you pray or ask for. It’s much pure than that. Grace is something that’s given freely; you don’t earn it, you don’t buy it. It falls upon good people and bad people. It has nothing to do with your karma or past actions. Which leads me to my second point…

Grace doesn’t discriminate.

Grace is unconditional. It is the one thing that transcends our human tendency to think that people that are good get good things and people that are bad get bad things. Grace goes past all of that.
For example, if it’s so hot out one day and you feel a gentle breeze blow across your face… That’s grace.
You did nothing to deserve that. It blows across the face of good people and bad people, rich people and poor people.
You don’t even think of saying thank you. You just accept that there’s something good in this universe called a gentle breeze and it falls equally upon all beings.

Standing in the sun

Another example, you have 24 trillion cells in your body, what did you do to deserve those cells that work constantly to keep your body functioning?
Our mere existence is by grace…
Your body is grace.
The existence of the cells in your body is by grace. The earth itself is grace. Many things exist that are just a complete gift of grace.

The problem is we don’t see grace. Why? Because we consider grace in our minds to be limited to only when we get what we want. When we work to get what we want and when we get it, we say, “I did that” “I deserve that”
Our understanding of grace is so juvenile…
Because our egos are so big.
If somehow, something we want comes unexpected, we say its grace. But when we get something that we worked towards, we credit that to our own minds.
Even our minds and our hearts, we didn’t make them! We don’t make our hearts capable of feeling love or sorrow or joy!
It’s grace.

Even our minds; we are so proud of how quickly we learn and how creative we can be but what if your mind didn’t think? What if the thoughts didn’t come? What if memory didn’t come? What if your mind wasn’t capable of learning?

It’s all simply…grace.

And yet we don’t appreciate it because we think that grace only exists when we get something that we didn’t think we would be able to and suddenly it happens in a way we cannot explain and then we say

“Oh my, that was an act of grace!”

It’s so much bigger than that.
You can only experience grace when you see how absolutely undeserved it really is!
And that is also our biggest hurdle. Because we like to justify how good and deserving we are; of respect, life and love. We have believed the lie that love is something you give and receive because of how much you have earned and deserved it. This is why human convention dictates that you love those who love you, show kindness to those who are kind to you, and dislike and even hate those who dislike and hate you. But…

Grace is everywhere… in everything.
Eventually if you look properly from a distance and step back from your ego, you will realise that there is grace in everything!
Our planet, our bodies, our hearts and our minds, the trees, the flowers, the fact that it rains so that it can water the flowers and take care of the forests.
All of this is grace.
It’s all grace.
I hope you take the time this month to start really appreciating it…
With All My Love_Naks.

I hope you picked something or two from this. If you didn’t you can just comment below and tell me to stop wasting your time 🙂
I love your feedback. I would love to hear from you what other topics you’d like to me to touch…
Keep hanging onto hope.

By Naks

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