Adversity Advances Us: by the gifted Ronny Ross.

Adversity advances us. It’s a profound statement but hard to comprehend in the moment of adversity. It’s true though, but only if we choose to learn from it.

At the moment washing hands seems to be the simplest solution to our biggest problem. Just like the rudder controls the ship, the biggest problems sometimes have the simplest solutions.

I won’t dwell on the pain we’re facing at the moment for it’s plain to see. From the land that draws people from far and wide to admire the history, the art, to get a glimpse into the great mind that was DaVinci, or just to behold the Pope and feel closer to heaven. Now it’s pointing us to what could be the future, empty streets and tears for loved ones gone without proper goodbyes.

Some people say that people don’t change but are simply diverted, I believe we’re capable of change.

But maybe this is the diversion.
While it’s a question lingering on all our minds; why a loving God who’s got the whole world in His hands, would let something like this happen? While in our frustration and pain it’s a valid question I think the real question we should be asking and looking within for an answers is, why are we still here?

Why are you still here? Having answered the why, maybe we should take this time to have some real self reflection, a re-evaluation if you will. Evaluate what will remain of us when we do depart for it’s a given. Will it be a legacy or an impact?

And when we do step out, maybe we should chase our dreams with more passion now that we still can. Maybe we should love more tenderly and less passionately because passion can be blinding. Maybe we should be less fanatic and more zealous.

Maybe we should be more appreciative of life, love the life we have while hoping for better days. But maybe, just maybe we should go to the creator and ask him why we get to live. For the purpose of the creation can only be known by the creator.

This deeply insightful post was written by my very good friend Ronny (@Ronny Ross on FB) who is an extremely gifted writer and artist. Check out his music on youtube and on his Facebook page

Ronny Ross

I’ve known Ronny for years and I believe the questions he asks us to ask ourselves in the above post are what’s important. Why are we still here when so many have died? What kind of legacy shall we leave behind? Think about that.

Keep hanging onto hope.


By Naks

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