Dear Self…Here’s My Advice.

Dear self,

Life is much bigger than what is in front you at the moment.

Do not be afraid of change.

Do not miss the opportunities that will present themselves to you time and time again.

Don’t be afraid to say what you feel, don’t be too naive and don’t be afraid to EXPERIENCE life to its fullest. 

Embrace every lesson; you’ll be grateful for you learn from them.

Every single one will make you wiser.

Without these lessons I’d still be the naive child you are, which I believe is a far worse fate in the real world.

Remember, do not miss the opportunities that will present themselves to you time and time again.

But most of all be yourself no matter what!

Emma, the older you.

You are not alone. You are not the only one who feels this way– not by a long shot. Everyone feels insecure or scared or worried or like they’re not enough at some point. We all just hide it from everyone else. It’s okay to feel that way. Talk about it with someone else or with yourself through a letter.  It’s the first step to feeling better.

We all have times in our past which are memorable for being painful and difficult (UNLESS YOU’VE LIVED UNDER A ROCK.)

But what if you could go back in time and show that past version of yourself the love and empathy you needed during those hard times? What if you could give your past self the advice you needed back then? Writing to who you were at some point in your journey is one way of achieving that.

That is why I started running a series of posts on this blog titled, ” Letters To Our Younger Selves…”

Read more…

By C256 Member

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