Dear self,
There will be days where everything is good and others where you feel alone.
Just breathe through it. It’ll pass.
You’ll meet people who are worth it and others, who’ll just be passing through your life.
The greatest lessons I can share with you;
ANYONE can be toxic in your life. It doesn’t matter if its family or friends, their behavior can really harm you. Even you yourself can be toxic to someone. So introspection is crucial.
People will take your kindness for weakness and take you for granted then make you the villain when you call them out. So check your friends when they step out of line.
Cutting people off is important for growth.
Oh, also, check on your strongest happiest friends.
People go through a lot of things silently so you never know you checking on them may help them in someway.
Always pray.
Be kind always!
The older you. (P.S: you have a good eye, never put your camera down)