Seasons:Learning To Trust The Process…

“Like the frost on a rose
Winter comes for us all”

Roses are an artist’s dream. A mesmerising work of beauty and the representation, in this song, of everything that we perceive as good and beautiful in our lives; even our lives themselves can be roses.

rose covered in frostA rose covered in frost.

Frost covers; it falls when temperatures are below freezing and it covers whatever it lands upon. We have all had moments in our lives when we felt covered and unseen. When the situation around us seeps out all the warmth from our perspective of life. When life takes a turn for the worse and we are faced with bumps and cracks in the road. It’s easy to give up at moments like these because we assume we are alone, that we are the only ones going through a hard time especially with the deceiving nature of social media these days. It’s easy to draw the conclusion that we are the only ones having a bad ‘season’ and yet we aren’t. Winter comes for us all.

“Like a seed in the snow
I’ve been buried to grow”

It’s easy to overlook those simple two lines as nothing more than words stringed together to make a beautiful song except they aren’t. Because we do not bury seeds, we plant seeds. Nothing is buried with the hope of growing at a later point. The anticipation of growth is why we refer to the act of putting a seed into the soil as planting not burying. But I’m not here to give you a lesson in agriculture. I want you to understand that we are all seeds that have been put into the earth and that this process called life comes with its fair share of highs and lows. You can either decide to view the whole process of your life as planting or as burying. More often than not we get so comfortable during the highs that when seasons change we assume we’ve been buried. I cannot force you to trust your planter and believe with all your heart that what may look like a burial is in fact you being planted for growth. But what I can force you to do is to remember that even if you’ve been buried; trust that it’s for you. To arise greater and better than when you went down.  It’s a process of change.


“For Your promise is loyal
From seed to sequoia”

I had never heard that last word before in my life until I heard this song. And when you look up the word ‘SEQUOIA’ you discover that it is the largest single tree in the world and the largest living thing by volume. The oldest known sequoia is 3500 years old, meaning it existed even before the birth of Jesus Christ. Amazing right? But I’m not here to give you a lesson in trees. I want you to ponder upon the fact that this tree that can grow to be 164-279 ft tall was once just a tiny seed.

“I believe that my season will come”

Think back to all the times in your life that you thought you could never overcome. All the times you almost gave up. All the times your faith and hope were tasted. All the times you lost sight of what’s important. All the times you thought you wouldn’t survive. Regardless of whatever situation you’re in right now, think back. And remember that you survived. That you overcame. That you won. And remember that you can always choose to do so again. Just have a little faith.

“Lord I think of Your love
Like the low winter sun”

Even when the sun doesn’t seem as bright, it is still shining. Even when you’re unsure of God’s existence and you start to question his presence in your life; remember that even when the sun doesn’t seem as bright, it is still shining. So look at that dull sun. In times of trouble and despair; hold onto to the smallest glimmer of hope. Hold on tight to it; keep your mind stayed to it. Let that hope sustain you even after the seasons change.

blazing sun

“You’re the God of seasons
I’m just in the winter
Then if You’re not done working
God I’m not done waiting”

It is temporary, remember this. Whatever it is, it will pass. Everything in the world is ephemeral and transient: good things and bad, pleasures and torments, boredom and excitement. All things are fleeting and impermanent. Any storm will end eventually. No matter how dark the night, the sun will always rise. Time is a river that flows past and whatever it is, good or bad, that event or situation will end and be replaced by another. Remember that always. Be patient always. Because if God is not done with you yet, why quit?

“For all I know of seasons
Is that You take Your time
You could have saved us in a second
Instead You sent a child”

I urge you to listen to this song. Not listen to it the way you would any other song on the radio or your phone. But really listen. It’s not a catchy tune or bop-your-head-to-the-rhythm-song. It’s a deep poetic slow-moving account of patience and perseverance. And if ever you think your life won’t amount to anything or if you think you cannot survive, think about these things I’ve said. No matter how big and tall the Sequoia is today, it was once a seed.

With All My Love_S

“You think about God. God is God and He can do whatever He wants at any moment at any time. He can fulfil all His promises just like that. But so often He takes His time. There’s a lyric in the bridge of the song ‘you could’ve saved us in a second, instead you sent a child.’ I think Jesus is the perfect example of that. How God is so okay with playing the long game. Like sending a baby in order to fulfil a plan that would initiate 30 something years later and then roll out even into today. There’s so much in that.” – Hill-song Worship

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By Naks

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