Saying Goodbye To The C256…


You dropped everything and ran here right?


Here goes;

But hold on… Wait!

You thought I was quitting the Conversations 256? Like for real? 

Psyche!!!!! Lies!! All lies!!! 

I’m so sorry for any heart attacks I might have caused but today is the one-day I can actually be intentionally dishonest and not feel bad about it so of course, I had to jump on the April Fools bandwagon!

Did I fool you? 


What fun!

Anyway, on a serious note.

Last month was Women’s month so theC256 launched a series to take some notes and highlight women that we think are kicking ass and doing amazing work!

We wanted to connect with women who inspire us, you and so many others and talk to them about the women they look up to and a bunch of other things.

What was in it for them? If they agreed to do this?

Well, honestly, we didn’t know.

All we know is that we have created an online community of people from over 70 different countries that are supportive, soulful and always looking for someone new to champion and for us, finding different reasons to inspire, educate and encourage is done throughout the year, not just in March.

So this series shall by all means, go on….

Drum roll…Ahhhhh (squealsssss) this is so exciting! 

Every Wednesday we shall be digging into the brilliant mind of one woman, selected to be our #WomanCrush in hopes of giving you insightful, educative, entertaining, enlightening knowledge. Whatever you want to call it…

So…. Enjoy and keep hanging onto hope,


Read all about Pastie Mugabi: this week’s WomanCrush here…

You can also use the comment section to air your annoyance at my superb trickery!!! Hahahaha Happy April Fools!

By Naks

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