A Desperate Prayer…

Heavenly Father

We thank you for this gift of life.

We thank you that we get a second chance to get up, do better and live better.

We come to you Lord with hearts that are heavy,

tongues that are tied and eyes that have forgotten how to cry.

We come exhausted and burdened down by the weight on our shoulders,

and the expectations of our peers in this unending race to fill our pockets with more.

Free us from the prison that is often our own mind.

Set us free from the cages of our pasts.

Release us from every story we have been told that doesn’t further your peace on this earth.

Teach us to listen and to listen well,

That we may hear the words often left unspoken

And understand the ramblings of a broken soul.

Teach us to see beyond these human shells we exist in.

To see beyond color or height or size and the physicality’s of these shells.

Teach our hearts to not place judgment on irrelevancies,

Like the color of our eyes, the texture of our hair and the shape of our features.

Guide our sight beyond that, which we see with our human eyes,

To that which we can feel; like the kindness of hearts, the goodness of souls and the service of spirit.

When we set out to fill the gaps and holes in our lives with love and affection,

May your guiding light be at the start and end of our decisions.

When we set out to seek comfort and strength from the world around us,

May your guiding light lead us inward;

Into the deep wells of strength buried within us.

And whenever we rise in a tide of thundering egos and inflated realities,

May you gently lower us down into the deepest pits of humility and gratitude.

Give us courage,

To face our greatest fears with the same vigor and zeal,

That we celebrate our greatest achievements.

Make us brave,

That we may roar in the face of everything that terrifies us.

And stand strong in the presence of all that threatens us.

As we go through each day,

May your Mercy and Grace be at the centre of everything we do and say.

We ask Lord,
That you guide us.
That you protect us.
That you provide for us.
That you do the same for all, Everywhere.
In your name we pray,

With All My Love_S

The War Within….

You Are Not Alone; Letters To Our Younger Selves…

To Our Moms(…a collection of short stories…)

By Naks

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